Provide Best Care To Your Baby With A Proper Pregnancy Nutrition Chart

A baby is a special blessing and only lucky people are provided this gift with the grace of God. The feeling of nurturing a life in womb is divine and cannot be described in words. It is obvious that you would like to protect your baby from all diseases and cater to all his nutritional needs with utmost pleasure. To ensure the growth and development of your child prepare and follow a proper pregnancy nutrition chart.

What is a pregnancy nutrition chart?
A plan which describes the daily food routine of a pregnant woman, keeping in view the physical requirements of the mother and baby, incorporating all the nutrient requirements, is known as a pregnancy nutrition chart. It is designed by doctors and nutritionists to fulfill the nutritional needs and building up body stamina to keep diseases at par. It prescribes the minimum nutritional intake of every mineral needed for a healthy, safe and sound baby.
Nutrients in an ideal pregnancy nutrition chart

Doctors around the world emphasize on the importance of certain nutrients in the meals of a going to be mom to keep her and the baby healthy and to ensure smooth development of the child in the womb. Here is a list which you need to be aware about while preparing or following a pregnancy nutrition plan-

• Proteins- They play an important role in the growth process and are essential for health of the mother and healthy growth of the fetus. It forms the building blocks for blood, organs, bones, tissues and muscles. The quantity of protein required in the first trimester is 0.5 g, 6.9 g is needed in the second trimester and the third trimester requires 22.7 g. Lack of protein may cause serious malnourishment and is ahindering factor in the growth.
• Folate or folic acid: 500 micro g / day of folic acid is required for the health of the kid and mom and is essential for preventing abnormality of spinal cord and brain and neural tube defect.
• Iron:Women generally suffer from anemia which can be eliminated by the consumption of iron in correct quantity which is 35 mg/day. Iron is the carrier of oxygen in our blood in form of hemoglobin and fulfills the increased demand of oxygen during pregnancy.
Make your pregnancy diet plan keeping the above nutrients in view and provide the best pre-natal care to the coming guest.

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